New Jersey Stormwater Basin Toolkit

As part of the Lakewood Township Stormwater Basin Retrofit Project, this New Jersey Stormwater Basin Toolkit serves as a key resource for public works employees responsible for maintaining stormwater basins. The retrofit project aims to strengthen the performance of these basins by introducing native vegetation which enhances the underlying soil, reduces flood risks and improves water quality throughout Lakewood. Proper basin maintenance is essential to achieving these goals. This toolkit offers comprehensive support to ensure long-term functionality.

In addition to basin management, the toolkit provides access to New Jersey’s stormwater regulations, fertilizer use laws, and the benefits of using native plants in landscaping. Public works employees will find practical guidance on basin maintenance best practices, links to training programs, and information on regulatory compliance. Together, these resources will help safeguard Lakewood Township’s soil health and water quality, and support the overall success of the Lakewood Township Stormwater Basin Retrofit Project.

Stormwater Basin Overview and Guidance

Resource: New Jersey Stormwater Retrofit Best Management Practices Guide
The New Jersey Stormwater Retrofit BMP Guide aims to provide best practices for retrofitting stormwater infrastructure for local and county government, nonprofit organizations, developers, and property owners.
Link: New Jersey Stormwater Retrofit BMP Guide

Resource: NJDEP Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual
The BMP Manual provides detailed guidance on the design, performance, and maintenance of stormwater basins, including detention, retention, and infiltration systems.
Link: NJDEP BMP Manual

Resource: U.S. EPA Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management
This EPA guide covers green infrastructure solutions like basins, rain gardens, and swales to manage stormwater and reduce runoff.
Link: EPA Green Infrastructure Guide

Resource: Ocean County Soil Conservation District – Stormwater Resources
Resources for understanding best practices for managing stormwater within Ocean County and New Jersey.
Link: OCSCD Stormwater Management Best Practices

Stormwater Basin Maintenance Guidelines

Resource: New Jersey Stormwater Management Maintenance Guidance
This guide provides protocols for the regular inspection and maintenance of stormwater basins, including cleaning out debris, vegetation management, and structural repairs.
Link: NJ Stormwater Maintenance Guidance

Resource: Rutgers Cooperative Extension – Basin Maintenance
This resource focuses on practical tips for public works staff to maintain stormwater basins.
Link: Rutgers Stormwater Basin Maintenance

New Jersey Fertilizer Laws and Best Practices

Resource: NJDEP Fertilizer Law Overview
New Jersey’s strict laws regulate fertilizer use to protect water quality. This link provides a summary of the rules for residential and commercial applications, including required buffer zones around water bodies.
Link: NJ Fertilizer Law Summary

Resource: Rutgers Cooperative Extension – Fertilizer Application Best Practices
This guide offers detailed advice on proper fertilizer application and timing to minimize runoff and protect local water sources.
Link: Rutgers Fertilizer Best Practices

Native Plants for Basin Landscaping and Erosion Control

Resource: Jersey-Friendly Yards – Native Plant Database
This tool helps you select region-appropriate native plants for use in and around stormwater basins to enhance ecosystem health and provide habitat for local wildlife.
Link: Jersey-Friendly Yards

Resource: Native Plant Resources from the Native Plant Society of New Jersey
A comprehensive compilation of native plant lists and guides to selecting appropriate native plants for various sites and conditions.
Link: NJ Native Plant Lists and Resources

Laws and Regulations Regarding Stormwater and Water Quality

Resource: New Jersey Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program
Public works departments must comply with municipal stormwater permits (MS4 permits) issued by the NJDEP. This link provides up-to-date information on the MS4 program, including permit requirements and deadlines.
Link: NJ MS4 Program

Resource: NJ Stormwater Rules (NJAC 7:8)
This site provides access to the legal framework regulating stormwater management in New Jersey, including design and maintenance requirements for basins.
Link: NJAC 7:8 Stormwater Rules

Training and Certification Programs

Resource: Rutgers Cooperative Extension – Stormwater Management Training
Rutgers offers training programs and workshops on stormwater management and basin maintenance, specifically tailored for public works employees.
Link: Rutgers Stormwater Training

Resource: NJDEP Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRP) Program
For employees involved in more complex remediation projects involving stormwater basins, the LSRP program provides necessary certifications.
Link: NJDEP LSRP Program

Additional Resources and Contact

Camden County Soil Conservation District
Your local contact for stormwater basin inquiries, inspections, and resources.
Link: Camden SCD Contact

Ocean County Soil Conservation District
Your local contact for stormwater basin inquiries, inspections, and resources.
Link: OCSCD Contact

NJDEP Division of Water Quality
For questions about permits, basin compliance, and water quality monitoring.
Link: NJDEP Water Quality