Retrofitting Stormwater Basins in the North and South Branch of the Metedeconk River Watershed

OCSCD is excited about our partnership on an awarded grant called the Lakewood Township Stormwater Basin Retrofit Project. The grant is funded by a Federal 319(h) Water Quality Restoration grant awarded by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection to the SJRC&D.

Farmers from local aquaculture operations showcase oyster farming methods

Boots in the Water (September, 2020) Ocean County Soil Conservation District now has “boots in the water” working with local shellfish farmers to gain a better understanding of their specific natural resource concerns. OCSCD Erosion Control Specialist, Kristin Adams, recently visited two different aquaculture operations to learn more about oyster farming from industry professionals. Raceway … Read more

Subaqueous Soil Sampling in the Barnegat Bay September 2020

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil and Plant Science Division is responsible for surveying, mapping and interpreting soils throughout the entire country. The Coastal Zone Soil Survey (CZSS) Team focuses its efforts on improving the soil survey along the coastal zone from New England to the Gulf Coast of Texas. This includes the … Read more

Emergency Permit Extension Eligibility

In accordance with the Permit Extension Act (PEA) of 2020 (P.L. 2020, c.53) soil conservation district certifications of soil erosion and sediment control plans in existence on March 9, 2020 are eligible to have the running of the period of approval automatically suspended for the COVID-19 extension period, beginning March 9, continuing for as long … Read more