Ocean County Soil Conservation District (OCSCD) was among several local environmental, conservation and gardening organizations who participated in the 2024 Pollinator Point Environmental Sciences Symposium, on Friday, May 17th, hosted by the Point Pleasant Garden Club, and attended by the Point Pleasant High School AP Environmental Science class. The symposium took place at the Point Pleasant Borough Municipal Complex, among the backdrop of the recently installed Pollinator Point garden. Representatives from several organizations including OCSCD, Barnegat Bay Partnership, American Littoral Society, and Master Gardeners of Ocean County shared information with the students on a variety of pertinent environmental topics and engaged the students in various outdoor hands-on activities.
Becky Laboy, Education Outreach Coordinator, OCSCD, dug into the importance of soil health and engaged the students in a soil sieving activity to demonstrate the composition and texture of soil. Bailey Sanders, Stewardship Specialist with the Barnegat Bay Partnership, guided the students through an interactive Monarch Migration game. Zack Royale of the American Littoral Society discussed fish habitat restoration techniques along local marshes and beaches. The day concluded with the students touring Pollinator Point, identifying perennials, and learning about their ecological value to Monarchs and other pollinators. Looking, feeling and smelling the various plant species was encouraged!
Pollinator Point is a Monarch Waystation, Homegrown National Park and Jersey-Friendly garden which led to the Point Pleasant Borough designation as the first certified Jersey-Friendly Yards municipality, and one of five Monarch City USA municipalities in the state.
OCSCD is excited to work with local schools to teach about healthy soils through hands-on outdoor educational experiences and promote the importance of local natural resource conservation. To inquire about an educational program for your students, or to access soil, water and gardening resources, please contact Becky Laboy, Education & Outreach Coordinator, OCSCD, at education@soildistrict.org.