Web Soil Survey

TheWeb Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world. NRCS has soil maps and data available online for more than 95 percent of the nation’s counties and anticipates having 100 percent in the near future. The site is updated and maintained online as the single authoritative source of soil survey information.

New Jersey NRCS has numerous resources on soil available. Natural Resource Conservation Service Website has an extensive list of resources available, from searchable data to historic traditional soil surveys which include soil maps, a manuscript of soil descriptions, and interpretation tables.

Soil Survey of Ocean County

The Soil Survey of Ocean County, originally issued in April of 1980, is to be used as a historical reference only.  

This is a publication of the USDA – Natural Resource Conservation Service, in cooperation with the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Cook College at Rutgers University, and the NJDA-State Soil Conservation Committee. Soil properties that affect land use are described, broad areas of soils are shown on the general soil map, and the location of each kind of soil is shown on detailed soil maps. The Ocean County Soil Survey is available online in PDF format at the USDA website.

Download PDF of 1989 Ocean County, NJ Soil Survey

California Soil Resource Lab: Soil Survey App for your Smart Phone

iTunes Preview

GPS based, real-time access to USDA-NRCS soil survey data, formatted for the iPhone. This application retrieves graphical summaries of soil types associated with the iPhone’s current geographic location, based on a user defined horizontal precision. Sketches of soil profiles are linked to their official soil series description (OSD) page.

Soil series names are linked to their associated page within the CA Soil Resource Lab’s online soil survey, SoilWeb [1]. An up-to-date map of were data is available for queries can be found here https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/gmap/