
Ocean County Soil Conservation District regularly works with local and regional partners to coordinate and collaborate on numerous natural resource issues, concerns, projects and programs.  We welcome opportunities to leverage resources, share expertise and assist in appropriate initiatives and projects that benefit not only the agencies and organizations involved but, more importantly, the natural resources of Ocean County and the Barnegat Bay Watershed.  Together we accomplish more than we can alone.

Barnegat Bay Partnership

The Ocean County Soil Conservation District has been integrally involved with the Barnegat Bay Estuary Program (Barnegat Bay Partnership) since the drafting of the CCMP for Barnegat Bay in 1994. Representation is included by the District on the Advisory Committee, Science and Technology Advisory Committee and the Communication and Education Committee. Some of the most noteworthy activities and initiatives include:

Department of Environmental Protection

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) manages New Jersey’s natural resources and plays a crucial role in solving pollution problems. With a staff of over 2,900 employees, NJDEP is a leader in innovation environmental management strategies. The Ocean County Soil Conservation District has partnered with NJDEP on numerous projects.


MATES is a specialized high school developed around the marine and environmental science theme. MATES is geared toward students who wish to concentrate their studies in the areas of math and science.

One of many rain garden basins retrofitted by the OCSCD in partnership with Ocean County Planning

Ocean County Department of Planning

Through an NJDEP grant, the County partnered with the Soil Conservation District to restore impaired stormwater basins and create attractive and efficient “Rain Gardens”. The soil is loosened to reverse the compaction and mixed with compost to increase the organic matter in the soil. The basin is then planted with wet-tolerant native trees and plants and will eventually revert to an attractive natural state through succession.

The goal was to develop guidelines for planning, design and construction that would prevent compaction and the need for future restoration. Healthy soils are an important part of managing stormwater and maintaining water resources in the Barnegat Bay Watershed and Estuary.

For more information about this Partnership and Basin Retrofitting project, please download this pdf: Atlantic Coastal Watershed Program Grant: Stormwater Basin and Storm Drain Retrofitting Projects in support of the Barnegat Bay Watershed

Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation

The Department of Parks & Recreation now safeguards more than four thousand acres of land which is dedicated to the enjoyment of our citizens and the conservation of open space.  This impressive acreage includes sixteen parks, four conservation areas, and two golf courses.  The Ocean County Soil Conservation District has partnered with the exemplary staff of the Parks Department on a number of educational initiatives and workshops, as well as soil restoration activities on various properties.

South Jersey Resource Conservation & Development Council

SJRC&D promotes the wise use and conservation of natural and community resources through education and collaborative partnerships, supporting the environmental and economic well-being of South Jersey. The South Jersey Resource Conservation & Development Council invites you to get to “Know Your Farmer and Know Your Food” while having fun and improving your health by participating in our Annual South Jersey Tour de Farms.

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